I need Flash Player 8, what app do I download on my mini iPad?
What app do I download on my mini iPad: I need flash player 8 to take a course
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What app do I download on my mini iPad: I need flash player 8 to take a course
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There has never been a Flash Player for iPad or iPhone.
Further complicating this, Adobe Flash Player was deprecated and was deliberately bricked by Adobe across all platforms including Mac and Windows, starting January 12th 2021.
This after Adobe having given advanced notice of the deprecation of Flash back in July 2017.
Ask the school what they plan to do.
There has never been a Flash Player for iPad or iPhone.
Further complicating this, Adobe Flash Player was deprecated and was deliberately bricked by Adobe across all platforms including Mac and Windows, starting January 12th 2021.
This after Adobe having given advanced notice of the deprecation of Flash back in July 2017.
Ask the school what they plan to do.
Flash was discontinued by Adobe and has been completely banned from Apple world and also from lots of other apps and services like Google, for exemple.
The course you're willing to take has to update its app/service.
Flash Player has been permanently discontinued by Adobe and NO Apple iOS device has ever used Adobe Flash player.
Adobe killed/discontinued Flash Player back on Dec 20, 2020.
Adobe Flash Player is dead.
You need to contact the education institution you ard attending and get in touch with the course instructor or education administrator/s to find out if alternatives exist to take/attend this course online exists.
Sorry & Best of Luck to You!
The dead ends here Flash Player, and the school’s IT apps and tools that expect the use of Flash is still an option.
There is no Flash Player for iPad, and never has been. And as of this year, there is no more Flash Player for anyone.
Show the school this -> https://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/end-of-life.html. Adobe has been sending out regular notices to both users of Flash, and distributors of Flash content all through last year to let people know the end was coming.
They have not only ended support, they are blocking Flash content from running in Flash Player to avoid malicious use of a no longer support platform and app.
Ty so much dead end ,
Ty kindly ,
I need Flash Player 8, what app do I download on my mini iPad?