How to fix error C0000022 while loading canon printer software ?
How DO I fix error C0000022 while loading canon printer software ?
iMac Line (2012 and Later)
How DO I fix error C0000022 while loading canon printer software ?
iMac Line (2012 and Later)
What is the model of the printer, and does Canon's site for this printer offer any driver support for the anonymous operating system version that you have installed? Does your anonymous printer appear in Apple's built-in AirPrint support?
What is the model of the printer, and does Canon's site for this printer offer any driver support for the anonymous operating system version that you have installed? Does your anonymous printer appear in Apple's built-in AirPrint support?
The Canon MG 3620 printer is supported by Apple's built-in AirPrint driver when networked (wired/wireless). There is no need for Canon software.
With the printer powered, and networked, right-click on the printer entry on the System Preferences : Printers & Scanners panel, and choose Reset print system… . When you re-add the printer, choose AirPrint instead of Canon drivers. Print something.
Model MG3620
How to fix error C0000022 while loading canon printer software ?