How can I avoid the app library?
I have my app’s in folders in ios13 and like what I have. I don’t want the app library to ruin that setup!!!! How can I stop it when I upgrade to ios14?
I have my app’s in folders in ios13 and like what I have. I don’t want the app library to ruin that setup!!!! How can I stop it when I upgrade to ios14?
Upgrading won't change your current home screens or the folders you have set up. It just adds an additional screen after your last home screen. I avoid it by not swiping left to go back to that last screen.
Upgrading won't change your current home screens or the folders you have set up. It just adds an additional screen after your last home screen. I avoid it by not swiping left to go back to that last screen.
By by NOT swiping all the way to App Library. Otherwise, your app organization you had before the App Library was added remains unchanged.
How can I avoid the app library?