My imessege waiting for activation and only can use the email
My iMessage just have a email in the send&received. so how i can fix this problem because i want to used my number phone at my iMessage.
iPhone 6s, iOS 13
My iMessage just have a email in the send&received. so how i can fix this problem because i want to used my number phone at my iMessage.
iPhone 6s, iOS 13
Messages - If you get an error when trying to activate iMessage or FaceTime.
Some other things you can try. Do you have access to another WiFi network where you can try? That has worked for several people.
Try a restart.
Restart your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
Try a forced restart.
If necessary
Do a backup and try a factory reset. Then restore from your backup.
Backup - Restore your device from an iCloud or iTunes backup.
You need to add the number on your Apple ID. After the change, allow up to 24 hours for the change to sync. Before trying to make the change, sign out of Messages/FaceTime.
My iMessage is waiting for activation.
I have added my number to my Apple ID.
I want to send a receive iMessages in my number but it’s using my mail. It’s waiting for activation on my number for more than 24 hours
See If you get an error when trying to activate iMessage or FaceTime
my number is already added, but it still says it uses the email, how can i fix this?
Device or computer? Does the number show in the Messages app/application? Is the number selected as start new conversations from?
Have you tried signing out of Messages/FaceTime, restarting, and then signing back in to see if that helps?
Device or computer?
Yes I’ve tried all that. Is there anything else I can do?
Have you checked Settings/Messages/FaceTime to see if the number is there and enabled?
Yes the number is there and when I click on the number to enable it just shows that it’s loading and waiting for activation
Okay I’ll try this. Thankyou
You are welcome.
My imessege waiting for activation and only can use the email