Shapes in latest iWork apps
Where can I find the actual asset files for the Shapes available in the Pages, Numbers and Keynote apps?
iMac 27", macOS 10.15
Where can I find the actual asset files for the Shapes available in the Pages, Numbers and Keynote apps?
iMac 27", macOS 10.15
Thanks again — you've been very helpful!
For the previous version of Pages I had done what you suggest in your fourth paragraph and was wanting to just update it with the new shapes. But that was a very laborious process and with no easy way to see what's new it looks like a huge task from here on. Maybe I'll just abandon the idea. As you say Apple hasn't been very helpful here — not at all intuitive.
Thanks again for all your input on this — much appreciated.
Thanks again — you've been very helpful!
For the previous version of Pages I had done what you suggest in your fourth paragraph and was wanting to just update it with the new shapes. But that was a very laborious process and with no easy way to see what's new it looks like a huge task from here on. Maybe I'll just abandon the idea. As you say Apple hasn't been very helpful here — not at all intuitive.
Thanks again for all your input on this — much appreciated.
To save space, that shape_library.json file has no images in it, just integers that define the shape outlines. Completely useless for your intended goal of printing out the collection of shapes. Press the space bar (Quick Look) on that shape_library.json file and you see what I mean.
JSON stands for Java Script Object Notification. Apple has used it instead of postscript, pdf or quadratic spline vector formats because they can code into it the smarts for the adjustable corners, numbers of sides, radius and star points. It maybe related to what Apple did inside TrueType fonts.
You can view it in a text editor but it looks like a a very long list of co-ordinates and geometric information, which Apple has obviously got Pages to parse and make sense of.
This could have been done as a pdf which would have been more compact, editable and portable but Apple doesn't get its own stated principles of smart design and hasn't for a very long time. It actually would make their own internal work easier, instead of all this proprietary nonsense that doesn't talk well with anything else.
If you want to access the actual library as a reference vector collection, drop everything from the Shapes collection onto a page or set of pages and print that to pdf. You'll be able to get at all the shapes in a vector editing program that can read pdfs.
Be prepared for less than stellar detailing when you get a close look at the vectors they are mostly just join the dots and relatively few intelligent curves. The maps are worst at this.
The OBVIOUS (but not to Apple) method to implement vector graphics was to make a way of retaining your own graphics and drawings and adding them to the library. Or simply to have all of these as drag and drop pdf collections which would have solved all the above problems in a natural macOS way. But then today's Apple seems to show a profound lack of comprehension of Macs and Maclike design principles.
You are welcome. Apple is Apple and I've largely given up on it. It is just too exasperating. Even the staff I spoke with privately in the Apple Stores before Apple closed them agree, even though they do not have my length of experience of Apple. Not many starry eyed Mac users left we have all taken a hammering in the last decade.
I still use Pages '09 for most of my basic work and have switched to Aperture Publisher for more complex and polished DTP.
I just wish there was equal software on Windows and Linux. > Open Package > Resources > shape_library.json
Thanks Peter — that’s great. But how can I open that JSON file to see the images themselves? Is that possible? I’m hoping to end up with a print out of the whole collection of shapes.
Sorry addressed to wrong post.
Ahem. That is Affinity Publisher. 😎
Yes. For once that is my fault and not the SpillChucker or dead keys on the Magic Keyboard.
My mind was on Apps long past, but not forgotten. ;)
Must read my own posts! For once!!
Or read your subliminal thoughts…
Have you tried importing any InDesign IDML content into Publisher yet? That appears to be a slick feature.
I'm sure that is useful for people transferring over from Indesign but it has been a very long time since I used it,
Now maybe if it opened Pages '09 documents!
Shapes in latest iWork apps