Should i keep using Notes to store stuff I care about?
I use Notes to well, make notes. So i scan, write, copy important links etc into Notes. I have over 600. Some are locked. I use the app extensively. Now it appears that some notes have just vanished. I know you think i deleted them but i assure you i didn't. I can't tell you how much losing one particular note has put me out.
I doubt you'll be able to help me. I have followed the usual course of action and searched iCloud and looked in my Deleted Items etc.
What I want to know is was i wrong in turning notes into a basically productivity tool? Once it reaches a certain threshold of items does it just go bang and simply lose track of some of those items?
As I say I have over 600 notes and many of them are important to me. Shall i just copy them into a more robust app?
iPhone 6s, iOS 13