Photos from iPhoto when upgraded to Catalina?
When upgrading to Catalina (already done it unfortunatelly..) Where can I find the photos files that were before in iPhoto? I don't need the app but do need the photos. Thanks!
When upgrading to Catalina (already done it unfortunatelly..) Where can I find the photos files that were before in iPhoto? I don't need the app but do need the photos. Thanks!
By default, it'll be in the Pictures folder of your home folder. If you put it somewhere else, it'll be there.
If someone else moved it, choose Utilities from the Finder's Go menu, open the Script Editor, and run:
set the_string to POSIX file (do shell script "defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/ RootDirectory") as string
if the_string starts with ":~:" then set the_string to (path to home folder as string) & items 4 thru -1 of the_string
tell application "Finder" to reveal item the_string
By default, it'll be in the Pictures folder of your home folder. If you put it somewhere else, it'll be there.
If someone else moved it, choose Utilities from the Finder's Go menu, open the Script Editor, and run:
set the_string to POSIX file (do shell script "defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/ RootDirectory") as string
if the_string starts with ":~:" then set the_string to (path to home folder as string) & items 4 thru -1 of the_string
tell application "Finder" to reveal item the_string
I'll try it! thanks for the help
Photos from iPhoto when upgraded to Catalina?