Notes needs to show me where it will break the pages
I am using Notes on an iPad to write up multiple pages that then I want to export as a pdf.
No, I do not want to use Pages because I am using my Apple Pencil and I want to hand write and draw and I don't want it converted to text, and no I do not want to share it as a Note, I want to share it as a pdf. Please try and answer my question not some othe rquestion.
Notes presents me with an infinitely long page I can write on that it will then proceed to break at arbitrary points that I do not see while I am writing. Is there any way to see where these pages end and start so I can take my notes accordingly?
No I do not want to switch to another Note taking app especially not one like Goodreads that holds my content as ransom unless I pay this is the very reason I want Notes and nothing else because at least this one comes with the system.
iPad Air, iPadOS 18