Spinning wheel while using Final Cut after every action. External drives only.
Would really appreciate a solution to this. I get the spinning wheel of death in Final Cut Pro after every action. This only happens working off Libraries on my externals drives. I'm not sure if an update caused this, but it happened suddenly, this wasn't a gradual decline in performance. It's been happening since December.
Working off desktop Libraries work fine.
It's a MacStudio 2022. M1 Ultra 64GB.
I've tested 4 separate drives. All with the exact same result. Testing all kinds of formatting.
I've tested these drives with FCP on other Macs and they all seem to be working just fine. So I don't believe anything is wring with the drives.
Ran computer/drive performance tests, everything seems fine.
I've done a full computer wipe and reset. Reinstalled FCP first. No Chrome, no plugins. Same spinning wheel result.
This is a company computer that runs off Jamf.
Our IT hasn't been able to figure out this issue yet. I spoke with Apple FCP support and they were stumped too. Could this be a Jamf issue?
One other company MacBook Pro had the same issue here too. Another MacBook Pro worked fine.
It's been a very confusing issue. We've ran out of ideas.
MacBook Pro 16″, macOS 15.1