Screen time is turned off on my end, but won't turn off on my kid's iphone 11
I have turned off screen time repeatedly on my end of the screen time settings, but it won't turn off on my 14 year old's iphone 11. Her downtime is set to 24 hours (I did not set that) and I have tried to turn that off multiple times. On my end, it says all her screentime is off, but her phone is still set on downtime. She needs an app for school, so she sent a screentime request, and I immediately approved it. She got the notification that it was approved, but it still won't let her use the app, saying its still in downtime. We tried opening screentime on her iphone 11, but it immediately closes the settings app. We tried this repeadtly, and we went so far as to power off her iphone, but same result.
iPhone 11