Advice on which MacBook to get next, plus docking & dual display
I am looking for advice and suggestions for my next MacBook Pro investment.
My current MacBook Pro I purchased new in 2014: 15in, Retina, 2.8 GHz Quad-Core i7, 16GB. My MacBook before was from 2003. They've been awesome workhorses for me through the years, especially as a photographer.
As my current has begun to significantly lag, my needs have changed a bit, and the world surrounding computer technology has definitely taken off without me, so I find myself lost in a massive amount of research without the time to read it all to catch up.
In addition to my photography and photoshop work (landscape/fine art hobby to professional newborn, family, & wedding), I'm a mom, and a veterinary clinic owner.
I need to be mobile, and I need to be office based.
I'd like to be able to dock it to two monitors (which would also be connected to an HP mini desktop).
From the little I've gotten to skim over, I think I understand I need to look at the Max options because they are the only that put out dual displays rather than single. I don't think mirroring is an option. I have heard from other photographer's reviews something about the M3 Max combination isn't ideal. And that worries me for that aspect of my work.
I predict having this for another ten years so I don't want any work arounds to have what I want if it exists.
For a dock, I don't even know where to begin :(
So biggest question: Which laptop do you think I should get?
Additional: What do you suggest for a docking setup?
Bonus: Favorite monitors that are both HP & Mac friendly, that will make my color snob photographer eyes happy ;)
***Cost is not part of the discussion here.