Lost AirPods Pro
How to search for lost AirPods Pro using the serial number
How to search for lost AirPods Pro using the serial number
Click here and follow the instructions; in addition, post notices around where the AirPod got lost, and if applicable, contact the Lost & Found department of the facility involved.
The serial number can only be used to check if already-found AirPods are yours.
Click here and follow the instructions; in addition, post notices around where the AirPod got lost, and if applicable, contact the Lost & Found department of the facility involved.
The serial number can only be used to check if already-found AirPods are yours.
joginder21 Said:
"Lost AirPods Pro: How to search for lost AirPods Pro using the serial number"
About AirPods and Find My:
If Find My was enabled with these, then note that the local shown is based off of the last time the device they were connected to that itself was connected to the internet. This is because AirPods are not assigned their own IP Address.
Lost AirPods Pro