update password failed
My admin password, regular password, and apple ID password were all rejected when updating MacOS Ventura. What password does it want?
MacBook Air Apple Silicon
My admin password, regular password, and apple ID password were all rejected when updating MacOS Ventura. What password does it want?
MacBook Air Apple Silicon
I was trying to download the update within my standard account which I use most of the time and used my administrator password which failed. I finally downloaded the Ventura update in my slow home network by entering the password of my standard account instead. Should have figured that out as I had been in my standard account. Thought I had tried the standard password too but maybe wasn't careful. But don’t recall the administrator password failing the prompt in any account in systems before Ventura. Also don’t remember the way my accounts were set up originally. Maybe the administrator password will only work within the administrator account now. Thanks again for your input.
I was trying to download the update within my standard account which I use most of the time and used my administrator password which failed. I finally downloaded the Ventura update in my slow home network by entering the password of my standard account instead. Should have figured that out as I had been in my standard account. Thought I had tried the standard password too but maybe wasn't careful. But don’t recall the administrator password failing the prompt in any account in systems before Ventura. Also don’t remember the way my accounts were set up originally. Maybe the administrator password will only work within the administrator account now. Thanks again for your input.
Going to need more information to assist. Please answer the following:
Can you take a photo of the login prompt? Do you see the Ventura Tulip colored wallpaper or is it purple like with Monterey.
Thanks. My laptop. No photo. Only got to the General Settings indicating one update available. Just got the small authentication window which jumps when I type requested password. I'm online at a remote location where I had been successful at downloading the original Ventura and now am trying to update to 13.2 from 13.1. I thought it was supposed to be my administrator password. Probably my error in overlooking something.
Do you use multiple user accounts? Primarily a standard limited user and a second admin privileged account.
Most people have one admin account that is their primary account.
Mostly see limited user primary accounts with secondary admin accounts in enterprise managed environments.
There are some gotchas as the very first account you create on a newly installed Mac is special. It contains a secure token. If you create accounts from this 1st account and grant admin rights that account receives the secure token. But if you add an admin account say via script it may be missing the secure token. That can cause weird issues.
Try logging out of your primary account and logging in with the admin account and then check for updates.
update password failed