How do you reorder email accounts in the sidebar?
How do you reorder email accounts in the sidebar? v16.0 MacBook Pro Ventura 13.1
MacBook Pro Apple Silicon
How do you reorder email accounts in the sidebar? v16.0 MacBook Pro Ventura 13.1
MacBook Pro Apple Silicon
So new MacBook Pro. Set up email and wanted to move the email accounts in the order I want. I tried to drag them. I have looked in every setting. I can’t believe it used to work by dragging and now it doesn’t. Anyone with the same version try it?
So new MacBook Pro. Set up email and wanted to move the email accounts in the order I want. I tried to drag them. I have looked in every setting. I can’t believe it used to work by dragging and now it doesn’t. Anyone with the same version try it?
I should have said I have tried that. They don’t move. I think that worked in previous versions. But not this one.
Is this a New Issue or Old Issue ?
New Issue - what has changed on the computer ?
Old Issue - what actions has the user taken to fix this issue ?
Reliable , accurate, details / context will really help to pinpoint a possible solution.
After all, we do not what to offer that which has already been attempted by the User
Click and drag the account into position.
Dragging them works for me.
Same os and versions?
Just to add, I checked my iMac Pro & M1 MacBook Air.
How do you reorder email accounts in the sidebar?