try to convert MacOS iso file to img file in order to create a bootable USB key : hdiutil fails
I want to create a MacOS USB bootable key to restore MacOS 10.11/.12 or .13 on an old iMAC. I was able to download an MacOS Sierra ISO file from a Mac Archive and now I try to follow the procedure ta create a bootable key. The first step is to convert the ISO file in an IMG file. I am on my iMAC with Big Sur and the command fails : operation not permitted. Why ? Any idea ? I tried with several other iso files (El Capitan, ...) but same error.
iMac27-de-O:Downloads olho$ sudo hdiutil convert macOSsierra1012.iso -format UDRW -o macOSsierra1012.img
hdiutil: convert failed - Opération non permise
iMac, OS X 10.11