Battery Replacement iPhone 7S
How much does it cost to replace my iPhone battery and where can I have this done?
How much does it cost to replace my iPhone battery and where can I have this done?
I need 7 plus batry
old batry very fast low
plzzz i phone 7plus new batry
I need 7 plus batry
old batry very fast low
plzzz i phone 7plus new batry
Hello, i just had my battery replacement at appble agent store but the time for using is very short, i need to charge every half day, how to check if the agent had replaced my old battery? Please guide me how to check…
thank you.
I was informed by an agent that deals in apple products that whenever your battery is requiring frequent charging this is the the time to get another phone unless it is fairly new and under warranty to have it repaired. The agent also stated that replacing the battery in an iPhone requires a lengthy and well trained tech for the process to be successful. Although I never received confirmation of some of the rumoured battery reductions placed in the iOS updates that followed approximately 3 years later on the older iPhones (forcing you to buy a newer iPhone), it would seem that we are are to loose either way......fork money out to replace the battery just to learn you have to purchase a new phone anyway.........both choices lucrative only to Apple. Frustrating to say the least.
It's best that someone is well trained to perform it, but Apple does have do it yourself service for certain models now. Also - a properly trained technician shouldn't need more than 20 minutes to actually do it. The big thing would be possibly placing it on a rig to test the integrity.
Thank you so much for your comment. I am a bit doubt for the agent that they had replaced my batterry 😅, so that I want to check on apple website …my phone is 7plus with 256GB for photos/video storage then I still prefer to keep it for long ^^
Hello Scitalians,
Hmm, my experience is that a battery replacement is relatively simple and effective:
Good luck.
There is no iPhone 7S. But all Apple iPhone batteries in the 5/6/7/8/SE series (even the Plus sizes) are $49 plus tax for all parts and service in the United States directly from Apple.
Battery Replacement iPhone 7S