Connect Mac book pro to iPhone hot spot
Can the MacBook connect to my iPhone hot spot?
Can the MacBook connect to my iPhone hot spot?
Yes, your MacBook Pro can connect to the HotSpot created by your iPhone. Do you have the Hotspot feature activated by your carrier? If Yes then you may turn ON the Hotspot feature and connect your MacBook Pro to it.
On your iPhone, Open Settings ➡️ Cellular ➡️ Personal Hotspot ➡️ Allow Others to Join: Set this to ON.
On your MacBook Pro, Click on the Wi-Fi symbol on the status bar and then Click on the Personal Hotspot network that is displayed.
Axel F.
Yes, your MacBook Pro can connect to the HotSpot created by your iPhone. Do you have the Hotspot feature activated by your carrier? If Yes then you may turn ON the Hotspot feature and connect your MacBook Pro to it.
On your iPhone, Open Settings ➡️ Cellular ➡️ Personal Hotspot ➡️ Allow Others to Join: Set this to ON.
On your MacBook Pro, Click on the Wi-Fi symbol on the status bar and then Click on the Personal Hotspot network that is displayed.
Axel F.
Connect Mac book pro to iPhone hot spot