I’m try to cancel subscriptions. I followed the steps but there is no cancel option
How to cancel subscriptions on my phone
How to cancel subscriptions on my phone
See the following from How to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support
If you don’t see Cancel, the subscription is already canceled and won't renew.
If you cancel a paid subscription, you can keep using the subscription until the next billing date.
Another indication that it is cancelled is that it will have wording in fine print similar to "Expires on [date]" rather than "Renews on [date]."
See the following from How to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support
If you don’t see Cancel, the subscription is already canceled and won't renew.
If you cancel a paid subscription, you can keep using the subscription until the next billing date.
Another indication that it is cancelled is that it will have wording in fine print similar to "Expires on [date]" rather than "Renews on [date]."
I’m try to cancel subscriptions. I followed the steps but there is no cancel option