Iphone warranty
I have bought an iPhone 13 unlocked from USA. Do I claim its warranty in India?
I have bought an iPhone 13 unlocked from USA. Do I claim its warranty in India?
Hmm, the warranty is generally only valid in the country of purchase:
However, if you take it to an Apple location in India, they may be able to help:
Good luck.
Hmm, the warranty is generally only valid in the country of purchase:
However, if you take it to an Apple location in India, they may be able to help:
Good luck.
No you don't. iPhone warranty is NOT international. Should you need warranty support, including the possible replacement of the phone, Apple policy dictates the phone be replaced with a model identical to the model you bought. Since US phones are NOT the same as phones sold in India, it would not be possible to get an exact replacement there.
So, you claim the warranty in the country of purchase, which means if you need warranty service, you come back to the US with the phone.
Iphone warranty