Mac laptop
My Mac Air won’t turn on and it’s fully charged!
MacBook Air
My Mac Air won’t turn on and it’s fully charged!
MacBook Air
Hi jlfrost46,
It seems you're having trouble turning on your Mac and we can help.
Try taking the steps here:
Let us know if that helps.
Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities.
Hi jlfrost46,
You mentioned that your Mac is fully charged, are you seeing the LED indicator for the power?
Try resetting the SMC:
If your Mac battery won’t charge
Let us know if that helps. If your Mac continues to not respond, you may need to contact Apple Support to review your repair options:
Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities.
Odd. I had the same problem with my macbook air not once but twice the last two days....
I tried the steps suggested to turn on my Mac but it still is not responding
It’s fully charged. It’s like it’s frozen off
Yes indicater light charged is on
Hi jlfrost46,
Thanks for trying those steps.
Since this issue is continuing, you'll want to seek repair options with Apple Support:
Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities.
Took it to the tech guy at work. Fixed saying it was a hardware problem!
Thank you everyone.
Mac laptop