Can I exchange my iPhone for another color?
Hi, I bought my new phone from the Cherry Hill Apple location on July 21,2021. I was wondering if I’d still be able to exchange the phone for a different color?
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Hi, I bought my new phone from the Cherry Hill Apple location on July 21,2021. I was wondering if I’d still be able to exchange the phone for a different color?
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Better to go with an article from the source -> Returns & Refunds - Shopping Help - Apple
Note that there is no exception for iPhones if you purchased it from Apple, you have 14 days to return it for a refund which means you are past that date. You can sell the phone yourself and then use the proceeds and additional funds to get the color you currently want.
Better to go with an article from the source -> Returns & Refunds - Shopping Help - Apple
Note that there is no exception for iPhones if you purchased it from Apple, you have 14 days to return it for a refund which means you are past that date. You can sell the phone yourself and then use the proceeds and additional funds to get the color you currently want.
Hello again:) To be sure I called Apple Support and though the 14 day policy is stated ...there are cases is which a store can and will exchange up to 30 days on iphone but to be safe call the store and speak to them about it. Indeed they may tell you that they are honoring the 14 day policy in your case. Then if that winds up being the case you can always follow the other posting to sell it and use the funds for a new iphone of your dreams.
Which level support did you ask for? I see nothing in Apple's documentation that gives a 30 day exchange but the OP is certainly welcome to try. It is very difficult to call Apple Stores since the pandemic they would be better served to make a Genius Bar appointment or call AppleCare themselves.
Did they specify to you what cases would allow a 30 day exchange?
Hello:Take a look at this info:
"Any items purchased on Apple's U.S. online store must be returned within 14 days from date of receipt of package, with the exception of the iPhone, where the customer has 30 days from receipt date to return the item". › ...
Apple Returns and Refund Policies
I am not sure about the 30 day return information. Apple has this information: Check with the store to see what they say.
Hello again, again: I did not ask for their name,rank and serial number. I think your idea is a much better one anyway... Select the store you wish to make your appointment .
Katana-San wrote:
Hello again:) To be sure I called Apple Support and though the 14 day policy is stated ...there are cases is which a store can and will exchange up to 30 days on iphone but to be safe call the store and speak to them about it. Indeed they may tell you that they are honoring the 14 day policy in your case. Then if that winds up being the case you can always follow the other posting to sell it and use the funds for a new iphone of your dreams.
The ONLY time I've heard Apple will take a device back inside a 30 day window is during the Holidays. It's even noted at the time of purchase during the holidays. Otherwise, Apple is very firm on their 14 day return, no questions asked policy.
Hello:) I have only stated what I read online and then went the extra step of calling Apple Support myself. I posted what I was told. I then conceded that deggies' post was the better idea and gave the link where the OP could do so. So I did the best I could. So really not much more to say on it other than sorry for the uproar. I hope the OP can accomplish their goal and be happy.
Can I exchange my iPhone for another color?