How do i turn of the headphone limitation?
I used to play Spotify music in the car true the speakers of the car, but now the volume drops to a very low setting at least ones a day. Very disturbing. How do i fix this problem?
iPhone XS Max, iOS 14
I used to play Spotify music in the car true the speakers of the car, but now the volume drops to a very low setting at least ones a day. Very disturbing. How do i fix this problem?
iPhone XS Max, iOS 14
Check the Screen Time Restrictions, first, Settings > Screen Time > Content & Privacy Restrictions > Reduce Loud Sounds
Then watch this GIF made on iPhone SE (1st Gen) iOS 14.2. Watch till the end.
Check the Screen Time Restrictions, first, Settings > Screen Time > Content & Privacy Restrictions > Reduce Loud Sounds
Then watch this GIF made on iPhone SE (1st Gen) iOS 14.2. Watch till the end.
sorry, but this does not work in some countries. Hopefully Apple changes this so we can make our own choices weather to turn something on or off.
The EU changed the rules and Apple must follow them.
How do i turn of the headphone limitation?