How to uninstall a program from mac
How to uninstall a program from mac Catalina
How to uninstall a program from mac Catalina
How did you install the app?
If you installed it from the App Store, or you copied the application from a mounted disk image into the Applications folder, you can drag it to the trash and empty the trash.
If you used an installer to install the app, then you need to use the installer provided by the developer or their instructions.
How did you install the app?
If you installed it from the App Store, or you copied the application from a mounted disk image into the Applications folder, you can drag it to the trash and empty the trash.
If you used an installer to install the app, then you need to use the installer provided by the developer or their instructions.
You should be able to uninstall by opening the Applications folder, and then dragging that item to the trash. Then, empty trash from the Finder menu.
How to uninstall a program from mac