Trouble trying to save backups from failing Time Capsule. Any thoughts on my details below?
Is 11 to 15 days to transfer 600 gigs total of Time Capsule backups normal? In dragging-and-dropping via the Finder, I'm copying the entire sparsebundles; is there any problem with that approach?
My first two attempts using Airport Utility to archive from My Time Capsule to an attached new USB drive stopped/failed mid-task after less than a day. Both times, before the archiving stopped, the Airport Utility estimated it would take 15 days. Now, in the Finder, I've dragged and dropped the sparsebundle backups for three macs via the Finder and it estimates it will take 11 days. (The USB drive is connected to my iMac and the Time Capsule is connected to the iMac via ethernet only.)
iMac with Retina 5K display, macOS 10.13