Podcast cover image not updating
My podcast cover image hasn't updated. Can you please assist?
My podcast cover image hasn't updated. Can you please assist?
The image itself appears to be OK. I do wonder about the URL:
iTunes expects the URL to end with a proper extension - for example .jpg. What you have before the 'jpg' is the html code for a slash, and this might be confusing the issue. I should find a way to present a URL which endswith a plain extension - these codes are rather asking for trouble.
The image itself appears to be OK. I do wonder about the URL:
iTunes expects the URL to end with a proper extension - for example .jpg. What you have before the 'jpg' is the html code for a slash, and this might be confusing the issue. I should find a way to present a URL which endswith a plain extension - these codes are rather asking for trouble.
In fact your feed is at https://www.liveforyourselfconsulting.com/theliveforyourselfpodcast?format=rss
The image currently in the feed is OK technically but as you say has not appeared in the Store. Did you update it only recently? It can take some days for an updated image to appear in the Store. It's also important that you give it a different file name from the previous one, otherwise the Store (which caches the image) has no way of knowing it's changed.
Thank you! I’ll try changing the name and uploading again then waiting a few days.
Still doesn’t seem to have updated.
any tips here?
I tried to reupload it with another name and I'm going to reach out to squarespace for support as well.
Thank you for the advice!
Podcast cover image not updating