Address Bar not working for a minute after launching Safari
I am currently using Safari on an iMac running macOS 10.14.6, but this has been going on for a few versions now. When I turn my iMac on and start Safari for the first time, if I try to search for something or go to a specific URL in the Safari address bar, it does nothing, and if I was trying to go to that search on an active tab I have Safari open with, it will just revert back to that URL. I always won't see the search bar auto-fill like you usually see it do when this is happening. I can successfully go to any website I have bookmarked just fine, but just can't search for something or a specific website. After about a minute or so, this resolves itself. And even if I restart Safari, it still works just fine. This just seems to happen when opening Safari for the first time after powering on my iMac. Does anyone have any ideas on how to address this?