how do you see what’s others on storage ?
what is others
what is others
Content categories (How to check the storage on your iPhone, iPad, )
iOS divides the used content in these categories:
iOS only displays the top categories. If a category doesn't take much space, it might be counted as "Other." Storage space taken by "System" is a combination of space taken by iOS and its supporting files. The amount of space required by "System" varies from device to device depending on the device type, model, country, carrier, Siri voices, and more.
Content categories (How to check the storage on your iPhone, iPad, )
iOS divides the used content in these categories:
iOS only displays the top categories. If a category doesn't take much space, it might be counted as "Other." Storage space taken by "System" is a combination of space taken by iOS and its supporting files. The amount of space required by "System" varies from device to device depending on the device type, model, country, carrier, Siri voices, and more.
See especially "About cached files ..." here.
How to check the storage on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
others is just everything else that isn't using a significant enough amount of storage to be shown. if you scroll down to the list of apps you can see exactly how much each app is using.
how do you see what’s others on storage ?